Ways to Give

Ways to give

“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of humans, the enhancement of their value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”  —Dr. Maria Montessori

Dear Friends of CMS,

This quote from Dr. Maria Montessori hangs in our Community Montessori School Office as a reminder to us of what we are doing each day as we set foot on the beautiful campus of CMS.  Our work here is Great Work, as we are giving the children an education that is an aid to life.  Dr. Montessori reminds us to keep the focus on the child(ren) at all times.

This year marks our 55th Anniversary.  For the past 55 years we have held firm to our mission, quoted below, of providing exceptional AMI Montessori to the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky.   We ask those of you that are able, to consider a gift to Community Montessori School.  Contributions received will be placed into our Endowment Fund to benefit the future children and sustainability of CMS.

 We are grateful for all of the support we’ve received over the past year as we walk through this time in our community’s history.  Any contributions are much appreciated during this time.  Your continued support of CMS is a blessing to us and all that we serve!

E. Nelson Griffin, Head of School, & The CMS Board of Directors


*Community Montessori School, Inc. is recognized as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. All gifts are tax deductible, and a donation letter will be provided for your gift.

Our mission statement

"It is the mission of Community Montessori School and Montessori Middle School of Kentucky to create an educational environment and experience that allows each child to fully develop into their unique potential. We strive to fulfill this mission through strict adherence to the Montessori Method by following the Association Montessori Internationale policies, standards, and certification process.”

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